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Welcome to Claddagh Bakery, family owned by the O'Sullivans since 2014.  The shop is small and our primary business is through deliveries and catering.  You can find our baked goods in other places, just look for the claddagh!


We are located in Rhy'Din, just outside of the Ka'Shin Territory, about 300+mi North of Griffin Township and Rhy'Din City.

Mon - Fri: 6am - 6:30pm

​​Sat: 7am - 5:30pm

Sun: closed

Memorial Day: closed

Halloween: 7am - 3pm

Veterans Day: closed

Thanksgiving: closed

Christmas Eve/Christmas: closed

New Years Eve/New Years: closed

St Patrick's Day: closed

Easter: closed


Signature Pasties

2 in a basket


Nash's Special - $12.95

Zucchini and ground beef casserole in a pasty


Nick's Idea - $12.95

Philly Cheesesteak Pasty w/ side of marinara sauce


Sausage and Gravy Pasty - $10.95


Ham and Cheese Pasty - $10.95


Lasagna Pasty - $10.95



Pies, seasonal - $7.95

Cookies, Sm - $1.95 lb

Cookies, Lg - $2.75 ea.

Donuts, no filling - $7.95 assor. dozen

Donuts, filling - $10.95 assor. dozen

Petit Fours - $4.95 a box (4 in a box)

Cupcakes - $2.95 a box (4 in a box)

Bread, per loaf - $1.95

Bread, special - $3.95

Premade Cakes

Any occasion, just ask to be personalized


Snack Cake, 8x8 - $7.95


Oval Cake, Sm - $7.95


Oval Cake, Med - $10.95


Custom Cakes

For any occasion, prices fluctuate depending on design


1/4 Sheet - $32+


1/2 Sheet - $45+


Full Sheet - $75+


Wedding Cakes

At time of order, Claddagh Bakery requires a 25% down payment with the rest to be paid in full two weeks prior to delivery date.  Up to $75 dollars of any order will be held as a nonrefundable deposit.


Per Serving: $3.95

Filling: $5.00


Buttercream Icing, no extra charge

Choc. Buttercream Icing - +20%

Mocha Buttercream - +20%

Fondant - $100

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